50Lb bag of Sea-90. $40

Please text order to #801-472-6693

Sea water is the lifeblood of the earth and it so happens to be the worlds best chemical fertilizer! Sea minerals are especially suitable for organic gardening. Contrary to conventional thinking sea salt doesn’t kill plants within the natural threshold. Of course too much of anything is harmful but up to 150lb can be applied per acre each year.

When used properly, plants grow bigger, tastier and are more resistant to disease. Chronic inflammation or injury due to nutritional deficiency is the cause of disease in plants, animals and humans. Sea salt calms animal behavior and improves survival rates of their young. The Ocean is the largest source of life on the planet with the least prevalence of disease. Ocean fish are larger and live longer than their inland counterparts. Electrolyte I.V solutions are standard in medical practice because they hydrate the blood and reduce complications during surgery due to stress. There is a reason for this.

Salt is not salt the world around. the word “Salt” is a very general term like “car” or “business”. One can be far more advanced and complex than another. Sea water contains an entire balanced spectrum of 90 minerals yet is up to 30% lower in Sodium Chloride compared to salt. Sea-90 is basically sea water that has been evaporated into crystal by the sun in pristine mining estuaries of Baja California. There are no added chemicals or elements. The quantitative analysis of unrefined ocean salt matches the quantitative analysis of minerals in plant and animal biology. Although nearly lost to history, the research of Dr Murray surrounding sea energy is making a comeback. People in 1976 didn’t care about obesity, heart disease diabetes or nutrient depleted farm soils so after he published his book it went out of print until 2003.

People, plants and animals require minerals and trace elements to stay healthy. Salt is the only inorganic food we eat but we can not uptake these in a usable form by simply licking salt. Sprinkling salt on food has a daily limit (1tsp/day) and is mainly done to add electrolytes and enhance a foods savor. For minerals to actually build the body, it must be converted into organic form so they are available as biological building blocks. Only bacteria is capable of leaching minerals out of organic matter or solid rock making it available to plants and only plants are capable of binding minerals with carbon so they are available to us. without a holistic diet of nutrient dense foods, supplements become necessary. If foods were grown in living nutrient dense soil, supplements would be wholly unnecessary. A silly concept if you think about it. The fastest way to get inorganic salt minerals into a healthy diet is by feeding them to plants. Rinsing sprouts and microgreens allows them to uptake nutrients and bind them with carbon into their tissue might be ideal. All I know is that sprouts rinsed in sea minerals taste incredible. If the plants we eat don’t get them, neither will we. Health and disease begin with the microbes around us. They are in the soil, in our guts and in our foods. One of the most insane evolutions in human economy is the idea of mass sterilization and sanitation. I am not talking about personal hygiene but farm herbicides, fungicides, preservatives, and sanitation wipes to name a few. Under these conditions, harmful bacteria takes hold faster requiring the further use of antibiotics. As a result, staple foods such as wheat corn and soy are grown depleted in many minerals, chronic diseases become more prevalent and people are suddenly allergic to everything. I am not painting a perfect picture but I am accurately describing the domino effect that is crippling this nations health.

For humans, sea water holds a great promise of health for the future. It’s application as a fertilizer delivers the greatest potential for regenerating soils. It is also the best salt for culinary use. It makes all food taste better and can be used in all food prep applications including brining and fermenting. In order to begin to reverse the trend of disease, sea minerals must be used in connection with holistic non till gardening methods and man must return to growing foods in living soils.

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Forget the confusing labels on the bag, These are pure dehydrated ocean mineral crystals. Rather than looking at the bag, look at natures label. Pure dehydrated oceans water contains a perfect balance of all the nutrients necessary for life.



SeaAgri’s 50lb. bag of Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt is the exact same stuff as SeaAgri “Baja Gold” only without a nutrition label. It’s 15X cheaper. The nutrition label is an FDA requirement and rather misleading in my opinion. The label reads “not for human consumption”. It does not say “Unfit for human consumption” and the company's official stance is: “although we do not recommend eating sea-90 ($0.80/lb.), it has the same beneficial trace minerals as our 1lb bag of Baja Gold ($19.99/lb.)” It is my civic duty to inform my viewers of this comparison. There’s no way I'm paying 24X more for the exact same product with a “nutrition facts” label.

The SDS below reveals the same CAS# (7647-14-5) was applied to both trade names Sea-90 and Baja Gold. If however, you prefer to purchase Baja Gold for ease of mind, order it from the following site >>>LINK<<<

Sea-90 bajagold SDS.jpg