Step one: get mulch! Feeling confused or overwhelmed about how to start a garden? Plan to find and import your mulch today. That’s it.

Get mulch down, do it now, you can’t go on without this step. you must begin by covering the soil and vowing never to till again. The rest of the fun will follow. Just do it. Put questions aside, ask the “what” and “why” later. Get mulch down. Pretty much any kind will do although some sources are better than others. You will eventually learn to master composting techniques and you can do it all without compost bins or piles. In the end it all turns to soil, the only thing that matters is your patience. Your first year will be your worst by way of production. each year will get better if you’re doing it right. Promise!

WARNING: Do not use the wrong mulch! READ THISNOTE


Sea Salt Fertilizer



I have to make sure I let people know that a no-work garden requires some work upfront. There is some exception though if you really want to think holistically. The goal is to be prepared. For me this means being ready to grow food without water (if any). It also means building up reserves in the soil, like food storage so my soil is ready to go.

My son said I need to give a very clear 1,2,3 Step gardening instruction in my classes. By experience, this leads to a thousand follow up questions because telling someone what to think isn’t helping them to learn how to think. When students understand correct principles, they ask fewer questions (though I love questions) and they are able to navigate on their own. If I was able to simplify my method into 3 easy steps it might go like this: 1. Lay down mulch 2. Never till 3. Keep roots in the ground 4. Use less water. Yes I know that’s four steps but I can’t make it more simple. We source materials to feed the soil, retain water and smother weeds to name a few.

  1. Think holistically

  2. Ask God and observe nature to find answers

  3. Have faith not fear. Man’s tools are needed to force a “fractured” outcome.

Holistic solutions solve multiple problems, they are already found in nature and can be done without tools. Or rather, can be done using God’s tools (worms, fungus, bacteria etc.) I use tools to help me carry out a holistic outcome (such as importing mulch) where the only difference is the stress on my back.